CERRONE devotes to charity with the EVOL collection, turning evolution into love (evol > love), embracing the most suitable cause, matching perfectly with the EVOL spirit for a better future: for this reason we are truly honored to involve Alex Zanardi’s Obiettivo 3, and more specifically donating 5% of all online sales to this association.

Obiettivo 3 aims to make sports easy to access among the disabled that are unfortunally penalized by high costs that make it difficult for them to afford.

Desabled athletes need special aids with technicality strictly linked to their residual capacity: this means that it’s necessary to know exactly how to build the aid to be as close as possible to the athletes ability.

Only the right response to their  fondamental and natural needs, may allow any disabled to practice parasports.

Our charity to Obiettivo 3 ( through all online sales of the EVOL collection, will allow to build special handbikes or bikes for disabled to practice Parasports.

Now you know that your purchase is also a beautiful contribute to our evol and love charity program.


Via del Verde, 28 – Lanciano (Italy)
+39 338 4494788